NI Requirements Gateway v1.1 英文正式版(模擬或測試複雜零組件的軟體) 破解說明:
check crack\install.txt 內容說明:
NI Requirements Gateway 為需求的可追蹤解決方案,以儲存於文件與資料庫的一般需
求,連接至開發和認證文件。透過組織並管理需求與涵蓋其上的文件或應用,NI Requi
rements Gateway 可協助瞭解系統複雜性、符合功產業與公司標準,並降低產品上市的
成本。NI Requirements Gateway 適用於模擬或測試複雜零組件的應用,產業如汽車工
業、航太工業、國防工業,與消費電子。 英文說明:
NI Requirements Gateway is a requirements
traceability solution that links your
development and verification documents with
formal requirements stored in documents and
databases. With this software, you can
specify which applications, tests, and
simulation models correlate with documented
requirements. In specifying this
correlation, NI Requirements Gateway
captures traceability information and
offers an interface for inspecting and
analyzing coverage and impact information. 相關商品: